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Furnace Life Expectancy by Brand: Carrier vs. Payne vs. Coleman

Furnace Life Expectancy
Posted on March 1, 2022
by Appleby Systems

The average furnace lifespan is somewhere between 15 and 20 years. Of course, when you’re buying a new furnace, you want to choose one that is closer to 20 years than to 15 years. There are some basic principles you should understand, such as that gas furnaces typically have a longer and more reliable lifespan than electric furnaces.  

You’ll also need to regularly maintain your furnace to get the most out of it in terms of both lifespan and efficiency. Still, you might want some more specific information about how the different brands stack up. 

Furnace Brands Comparison 

Furnace brands like Carrier, Payne and Coleman do not release estimates about how long their furnaces are expected to perform. However, their warranty information can help you gauge the bare minimum lifespan that you’ll get out of their products. 

In general, Coleman and Carrier furnace lifespan is thought to be the most reliable. Payne is actually the lower cost version of Carrier products. While this is helpful information, so much depends on the specific model you’re purchasing and how well you treat it and how it is installed. 

Are you looking to speak to an HVAC expert? Contact the team at Appleby Systems today! 

What Determines Furnace Lifespan? 

Yes, furnace design and quality parts are a large portion of what kind of lifespan your furnaces will achieve. However, no matter what furnace you buy, it is important to do what you can to extend its lifespan. You can help by: 

  • Correct sizing: A furnace that is too small for your home will be overworked and will have a much shorter lifespan. 
  • Filter replacements: Regular filter replacements will keep air flowing well through the furnace and prevent unnecessary stress on its parts. 
  • Regular maintenance: The most important thing to keep your furnace working longer is regular maintenance
  • Installation: Without a proper furnace installation by a qualified gas technician, this could affect the life expectancy of the furnace. 

Are you looking to get more information about upgrading your home heating system and which brand you should choose? Contact the team at Appleby Systems to get the best advice. 

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