No one wants to be in the position of calling for an emergency replacement of their heating system during the winter. It’s not comfortable, and it can be costly. Wouldn’t it be much better to predict whether your heating system will go through the winter or not before you start? That way, you can get it replaced without incurring emergency costs or being uncomfortable. Well, sometimes you can make that prediction. Here are the signs that your heating system is going out and that you may want to replace it.
Any heating system that is over twenty years old needs to be replaced. These old systems will not perform well anymore, even if they were the pinnacle of energy efficiency when they were purchased. The good news is that a newer system will surely perform better for you and help you save on energy costs.
Of course, your utility costs increase in winter. But, what if last January was more expensive than the January before that? Unless there is another explanation, like you started using a new appliance, then this increase could indicate that your furnace is using more fuel to generate the same heat, getting less efficient. It may need repairs, or it may just be time for it to retire.
You are likely very familiar with how you furnace sounds, so familiar that you don’t really hear it, your brain filters it out. So if you suddenly notice a noise from your furnace, chances are that is unusual. Smells, especially burning and gas smells, are also a big indicator that something is wrong with the furnace.
Again, these things could just mean it needs repairs, or they could mean it is finally throwing in the towel.
Are there unusual or growing cold spots in your home? Can your furnace not deliver the same punch it used to, and keeps running but never gets the home up to the temperature you set it to? Then your furnace is becoming less efficient and likely needs to be replaced.
Are you looking to speak to an HVAC expert? Contact the team at Appleby Systems today!
Aging furnaces and those on their way out often have problems with stopping and starting. Some aging furnaces will stop before they should, leaving the house cold. Or, they may run constantly, trying to raise the temperature of your home but never quite making it. Both indicate that something is wrong with your furnace, and likely that it will need to be replaced.
Not quite sure if it is time to replace your furnace? Have a conversation with your HVAC professionals about whether repairs are merited, or whether it is more cost-effective to simply replace your furnace now. Even furnaces that are technically working may be better off in the garbage bin if their poor efficiency is costing you a lot in utilities.
Are you looking to get a furnace replacement or any other heating or cooling services? Contact the certified technicians at Appleby Systems today.