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Inquiries and Emergency Services

How a Humidifier Will Keep You Comfortable this Winter

Posted on October 19, 2017
by Appleby Systems


How a humidifier will keep you comfy this winter

Do you set up an army of humidifiers around your house when that dry winter air settles in?

A whole house humidifier can lower the heating load on your furnace.

Some families leave space for a humidifier in every room, and the nightly routine includes filling and turning them all on.

It’s not the most practical system, eating up time every night and space in every room.

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Other families invest in a whole house humidifier, which automatically refills its own reservoir and keeps the entire house comfortable with almost no upkeep necessary.

It’s convenient, affordable and quick for a professional technician to install.

A little moisture in the air is good

There’s a reason the desert is short on life and the rainforest is teeming. Humidity is more conducive to life.

Plants in humid environments thrive. They scrub the air more efficiently and display better overall health. This is as true for the plants in your home as it is for the kapok tree in the Amazon.

Plants help filter contaminants out of the air at home, keeping your family healthy. Humidity in the air also helps with that.

Low humidity makes your body more susceptible to cold and flu viruses. Studies show a direct correlation between high humidity and low flu infections.

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We also sleep better when humidity is balanced. The humidity helps keep your nasal passages clear and healthy.

It also helps take care of your sinuses. Humidity reduces the possibility of infection by keeping our mucous membranes moist and allowing the hairs in the sinus to trap and expel things that aren’t supposed to be there.

Humidity also keeps your skin from cracking (well, it contributes to softer skin. You probably still have to use a moisturizer in the winter).

Your humidifier is a money saver, too

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One of the most compelling benefits of a whole house humidifier is the effect on heating bills.

Moist air carries heat differently and feels warmer than dry air at the exact same temperature. A good humidifier (and don’t worry, we can help you decide which humidifier fits the size of your house) will allow you to run the furnace at a lower temperature all winter.

For every degree you heat your house, you can add 4% to your energy bill. So for every degree you take away from your current thermostat setting, your bill reduces by 4%.

That can account for a few hundred dollars in savings across the winter.

What humidifier is the best fit for your house?

A whole house humidifier will keep the humidity even across your whole house.

It requires less maintenance and less daily work than your current solution (if you move around a bunch of smaller units). You can even sign up for a maintenance plan so we take care of it and you can rest easy knowing your family, home and wallet are in good hands.

Call us today to talk about your options and find out if this is the right addition to your home comfort system this winter.

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