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Simple Ways to Cut Your AC Bills in Half (Almost)

Posted on June 5, 2018
by Appleby Systems

Cut bills

You don’t have to trade high heating bills for extreme AC bills every 6-8 months. When you settle into a regular cycle of cooling your home this summer, it doesn’t have to cost nearly as much as it did last year. These simple tips can almost cut your air conditioning expenses in half without forcing your family to sweat it out on the hottest days.

Make the changes today so you save all summer long.

Use your blinds and drapes when the sun is out

The beaming sun in your living room adds several degrees of heat to the entire house. Blasting the air conditioner to counter that heat is an inefficient way to keep the house comfortable.

Even sheer drapes reduce the heat transfer through windows when the sun is shining.

If you aren’t using the spare bedroom or the office, draw your window coverings. In fact, do it all over the house on whichever side the sun is.

Your air conditioner will have to work less (and sometimes not at all) to maintain the temperature inside on a hot day.

Don’t let gaps drain your wallet

The cool air inside your house can seep out small gaps between window and door frames rapidly.

You turn off the faucet when you finish washing your hands because dripping water can add up over time. The same happens with cool air. Every bit seeping out costs you money.

  • Look for gaps around your windows (inside and out).
  • Look for space between your door and the frame (inside and out).
  • Close the flue on your chimney (or use whatever apparatus is available to stop airflow).
  • Measure the depth of your attic insulation. It should be at least 14 inches deep.

Run ceiling fans counter clockwise

Ways to Cut Your AC Bills in Half

Your old ceiling fan doesn’t have to gather dust again this summer (and that fancy new ceiling fan isn’t just a decoration).

A ceiling fan can actually make your house feel up to 5 degrees cooler at only around 10% the cost of running the air conditioner to achieve the same result.

Run the ceiling fan counter clockwise to blow air straight down into the room and create that cool breeze.

Your thermostat won’t show a lower temperature, but you’ll feel much more comfortable.

Move your thermostat to a better wall

Where does the thermostat hang in your house?

ecobee Wi-Fi Thermostat

If it sits on the wall opposite a big, sunny window, it will send your air conditioner signals to run more often than it should.

Move your thermostat to a location:

  • In a room your family uses often.
  • On an interior wall.
  • Elevated to chest height.

These 4 tips are usually enough to half most families’ air conditioning expenses.

When you think about how much you paid the utility company every month last summer, that’s every reason you need to give it a try.

It might be time for a new unit

If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, it might be the main reason your cooling bills are so high.

Give us a call to talk about upgrading or maintenance to make it run smoother. Both will save you more money in the long run.

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