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Protect Your Family against the Dangers of Indoor Air Pollution

Dangers of Indoor Air Pollution
Posted on November 19, 2016
by Appleby Systems

As a homeowner, you should know there are a number of pollutants that negatively impact your indoor air quality and aggravate many health conditions. As you begin to close up your house for cooler weather this fall, consider the impact of indoor air pollution on your family with this guide.

Signs of Indoor Air Pollution

The most common symptoms of poor indoor air are:

  • Dry eyes, headaches and nasal congestion.
  • Nose Bleeds.
  • Fatigue.
  • Nausea.
  • Asthma and respiratory complications.
  • Health-Threatening Indoor Air Pollutants.

We would like to remind our customers of the many different types of pollutants found in the home including:

  • Deadly and carcinogenic gases such as carbon monoxide, radon and formaldehyde.
  • Second-hand tobacco smoke.
  • Bacteria and viruses.
  • Pollen, animal dander and dust mite particles.

The health impacts of these different pollutants vary greatly, from mild discomfort to life-threatening. Fortunately, there are many ways to improve the air in your family’s home.

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How to Improve Air Quality This Winter

Some habits in the home that can reduce a family’s exposure to poor indoor quality are keeping doors and windows shut, improving ventilation and keeping the house clean. The best way to remove particles and pollutants from the air is with a whole-home air purifier that removes these particulates from every room of the house. Especially for those with allergy and asthma symptoms, an air purifier can provide significant relief.

Removing Dangerous Gases and Volatile Organic Compounds

While an air purifier can trap the particulates that impact a family’s health, removing invisible but deadly gases requires whole-home ventilation. The concentration of polluted air in the home can be up to 10 times greater than the levels outside, so bringing fresh air is essential to a family’s health. Aprilaire offers two solutions for homeowners to exchange the stale and polluted air in their homes: an ERV (energy recovery ventilator) and a ventilation control system. ERVs also improve energy efficiency by ensuring air brought into the house is not too cold or too hot.

The Aprilaire selection of humidifiers offers prevention of nose bleeds, damage to wood floors and static electricity. The 400 Model has a water-saving feature. The bypass unit uses 100% of water and evaporate technology that eliminates the need for a drain.

We also introduce steam humidity for applications when evaporative units are less practical (attics, crawl spaces, closets, milder winter climates, non-forced air heating source).

To get a head start on the air quality issue in your home this winter, get in touch with a member of our team today.

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