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How to Add a Gas Fireplace to an Existing Home

Posted on November 5, 2020
by Appleby Systems

Fireplace in open concept living and dining room


Are you disappointed that your home’s builder didn’t include a gas fireplace, or even a spot for one, in your home? Don’t fret, you can get that warmth and ambiance in your home. Adding a gas fireplace is possible, and it can boost your home’s value along and enjoyment of your space. 

There are a few things you need to consider before you add a gas fireplace to a home that isn’t currently equipped for one. Here’s what you should consider. 

Building Codes 

Your local building codes may place many restrictions on the fireplace that you can add. So, it’s wise to start researching what you’re allowed to put in, rather than getting your heart set on a type or model of gas fireplace that is against your building code. Check for restrictions on flue length, placement within the home, and type of fireplace. Or, work with a professional who already understands the building codes in your area. They should also be able to get permits for you once you’re ready to move forward. 

Type of Gas Fireplace 

There are a few different types of gas fireplaces, and, depending on where you want to put it, you may find that one type fits your needs better than the others: 

  • Natural vent: Do you have a masonry chimney already built into your home? Then you can use a natural vent gas chimney that simply uses the chimney as its exhaust. 
  • Direct-vent: Without a masonry chimney you might prefer the simplicity of a direct-vent gas fireplace. They draw in air and expel exhaust through a venting system, which can go through the side of the house fairly easily. These units are more heat-efficient than natural vent, so if you want use your fireplace as a back-up source of heat, it’s a good idea to go with the direct-vent. 

Have more questions about fireplaces and which type would be best for your home? Contact our experts today, we would be happy to help.

Fireplace in bedroom

Where Should the Fireplace Go? 

When you think of a fireplace, you may immediately think of the living room. And it’s true, living room fireplaces quickly become the heart of the home. However, that’s not your only option. Consider placing your fireplace in these spots: 

  • The master bedroom 
  • The dining room 
  • Outdoor entertaining space 
  • The kitchen 
  • Basements & living rooms

Adding a gas fireplace can enhance your home’s value, not only in resale value but in comfort. For more information on gas fireplaces contact the experts at Appleby Systems. 


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